
Monday, May 22, 2017

End of the Year Read-Aloud Activities

At the end of the year I love to read aloud all the fun little stories I have sitting on my shelf.  Here are few of my favorites with a couple fun reader's response activities to go with them.

Media Literacy

It is really hard to find resources to teach media literacy to K-2 students!

If you have a subscription to Brainpop, they do have an excellent video about media literacy.  You can find it HERE.

Another great resource is media smarts.  They have several videos about media.  You can find them HERE.

After introducing media with these videos, we made flipbooks in our interactive notebooks that had all the media literacy notes we needed.  We also completed a couple sorting worksheets to review the concepts.

At the end of our unit we created posters and pamphlets to help to promote and sell our Market Day items.

You can download all the media literacy pages HERE.

Sequence This Story!

Teaching sequencing?  Here's a quick cut/sort page for the kids to practice this skill.