Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Holiday Context Clues!

We are working on context clues right now and we have ONE more week before the holiday break. (Woohoo!)  I'm trying to make this as fun as I can.:)  Next week we are going to do some simple activities with context clues and one of those activities is with holiday words. 

Here's a look at a few of the pages in this download...


Match the gift tags with the correct gift.


 Use this page to write predictions and text clues.
Students use the blank tags to write their own sentences with clues.
Of course I added the QR codes so the kids can self check...this is a favorite in our class!

Here's a few other things that we are using this week to help us with context clues...

( we added this to our reader's notebooks)

 They had a great time with this I had them write their own sentences and trade with a friend!

Have a great holiday!

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