I am just adding a few of the forms I use at the beginning of the year to TRY to stay organized.
Each student takes home a daily behavior chart that the parents have to initial. I just add it to their homework folder. This is a new chart that I want to try out this year. We'll see how it goes!
When there is a behavior problem, I like to use a quick FORM (I know that is suprising!) to send in their folder for a parent signature. This is great documentation! I always keep a few copies in my room.
Meet the teacher is always stressful. You are still trying to prepare your room/lessons for the first day and you have a bunch of students and parents coming in to meet you and drop off all their supplies! I am usually too stressed to ask the important questions that I need to know. On the first day of school, I just want to make sure the students all get home the right way, safely. I leave this paper out for the parents to complete at meet the teacher.
I also like to keep a spreadsheet of all the important student information in one place. I created this document to do that, but it's a lot of work to put all that information in there. My husband, Paul (I like to call him super nerd) told me to just create a Google form and have the parents go to my classroom blog to get the link to fill it out. I don't know why I haven't done that in the past! I'm so going to do that this year! If you don't want to do the google form, here's the link for the old school spreadsheet. ;)
Sometimes at the beginning of the year, we have a lot of students who have a hard time remembering their lunch number. (especially the really little people!) It really slows down the lunch line. I like to send this note home with their lunch number to practice with their parents. It really helps!
This next form is one that I am asked to share a lot. I have a classroom blog where I post pictures, activities and projects that we do in class. The kids and parents LOVE it! It is a great way to show parents what we are doing. It also motivates the students to get more involved in what we are doing in class. Before I post anything on that blog, I always send home this note as a courtesy to parents.
Here's a link to my classroom blog if you are interested in following what we are doing in class!
I hope that you find some of these forms useful this year. I'm sure I will have more "formtastic" forms to post throughout the year!
If you would like to view or use any other forms, I made A WHOLE PAGE dedicated to forms!! So exciting....for me anyway! Click the Formtastic Forms page above to view more forms.
If you would like to view or use any other forms, I made A WHOLE PAGE dedicated to forms!! So exciting....for me anyway! Click the Formtastic Forms page above to view more forms.
Thanks for sharing all of your hard work! I'm considering a classroom blog and the parent permission form is really helpful!!